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Doug & Sandy Thomas

Doug & Sandy Thomas
Head Pastor & Women's Ministry Overseer

Pastor Doug Thomas and his wife Sandy lead VCF with a passion for community. They began their service in ministry as a young couple over seeing the A Street House, a mission designed to help those struggling to get on their feet. After leaving the A Street House, Doug and Sandy continued to serve the church in various way as they raised their three children. In 1994 they took on the positions of principal, teacher and school secretary of Vineyard Christian School. In 2010 Doug took on the role of associate pastor of VCF and Sandy took on more of the administrative duties at the school. When Steve Shaw retired from VCF, Doug stepped seamlessly into his current position as Head Pastor and Sandy assumed the role of principal of Vineyard Christian School. Together they lead with love and compassion, as well as a strong desire to see God's Kingdom here on earth.

Max & Revella


max & revella ruschmeyer

Max is married to his wife Revella of 38 years. Max has been part of VCF Grants Pass since 1991. He accepted a seat as an elder at VCF in 2017 after being an integral part of the leadership team for many years. He shares the Sunday morning pulpit at times and his prophetic bent and progressive world view, coupled with his clear teaching style, help others to grasp the heart of God and what it means to live practically for Jesus every day. He is passionate about seeing the "kingdoms of earth becoming the kingdoms of our God" through cultural transformation. He has been a home group leader and often teaches KEY nigh classes. The focus of his teaching is typically centered around: identity, prophetic ministry and a positive future outlook of Victorious Eschatology. He loves all kinds of outdoor adventure like, fishing, hiking, hunting, exploring and the discovery of natural beauty. 

Clyde & Kelsie


clyde & kelsie bergquist
Elder, youth & children's ministry leaders

Clyde and Kelsie were both raised in Grants Pass. Kelsie attended Vineyard Christian School in the 80s, and both graduated from local high schools. They married in 1997 and moved to Brazil in 2004 with 2 little girls at the time to serve as missionaries. Little did they know that the mission would take part in becoming part of the Global Vineyard Movement and begin a powerful church planting ministry that has been growing ever since in Northern  Brazil. In their 11 years, they pastored, discipled, trained and worked alongside the nationals and a few indigenous tribes in Brazil, all while speaking Portuguese fluently.  Since their return in 2015 to Grants Pass, Clyde and Kelsie have served the Vineyard in numerous ways. Currently, Clyde serves as an elder and youth leader  while working his own painting business.. Kelsie serves by leading both Children's ministry and Youth ministry and the teams that support them. They have 4 children, Makenna, Maddy, Nate and Hannah who all grew up in Brazil. Makenna married in 2022 adding another Nate they now call their Son-in-law.

They are still working out their transition to the US and finding God’s faithfulness in each of their lives. The Bergquist's’ heart is to be practically spiritual wherever the Holy Spirit leads them.

Lewis & rose crownover
worship leader

Lewis serves as Worship Pastor here at VCF Grants Pass. He has been leading worship since the age of fifteen. His ministry embraces multiple generations and cultures, with a calling to raise up the next generation of worshipers and release the sounds of Heaven on earth. His wife, Rose is a gifted teacher, artist, and worshiper in her own right. 

Lewis & Rose


Don & Danita


don & danita Scott
ministry team overseers

Don and Danita are both long-time Grants Pass residents and have been married for 28 years. God has blessed them with three daughters: Alisa, Elizabeth, and Lydia. Don and Danita chose to home-school their girls with Danita taking on the lion's share of that responsibility. They adopted VCF as their church home about fifteen years ago and it has been an incredible journey. They were both blessed to be raised by born-again parents who brought them up in the church and stayed married for life, a rich legacy and heritage they are continuing. Don studied for three years at Multnomah University in the early 1980's and recently completed his bachelor's degree from Multnomah in Biblical and Theological studies. In 2013 Don trained for and ran a marathon at the age of 55. Danita has kept busy homeschooling their children and being a home-maker. They have been a part of the Ministry Teams for many years and were asked to assume the leadership role overseeing the ministry a few years ago. Physical and emotional healings, financial breakthrough, and words of revelation are just a few of the amazing things God has done through the years they have overseen the the Ministry Teams. Don and Danita's passion for seeing people set free drives their heart to minister and their obedience provides room for continual breakthrough through the Ministry Teams and pre-service prayer they oversee.  


Greg and Theresa Dahl

Greg and Theresa Dahl
Elders, Homegroup overseers, Worship leader

Greg and Theresa’s pastors' hearts allow them to serve God’s people with love and compassion. They
met at Bible college and have been married for 38 years. Before they were married, they were already
serving together as Young Life leaders. Their history in the church includes ministry to children, youth
and young adults, homegroup leaders, and mission teams. They have been at VCF since 2012. Greg has
been a worship leader since his teens and operates 2 local businesses. He often hires from the local
mission to help men get a second chance. Theresa is the pre-k teacher at Vineyard Christian School and
considers it her full-time mission field. While she loves teaching, she also loves sharing Jesus’ love with
the kids and families every day. Together they raised three kids and loved on over 30 foster kids.


Don & Danita


Rebecca Moran
Deliverance team leader
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