Deliverance Ministry
What is deliverance?
There are several places in the bible where people were demonized and Jesus cast demons out of them. As believers, we have been given authority to cast out demons. This is deliverance.
How do I know if I need deliverance?
Is there an area of your life that you can't get victory over? Such as fear, anxiety, depression, addictions, anger, unforgiveness, nightmares, sexual sin, or shame. A believer should never feel ashamed to ask for deliverance. Jesus came to set the captives free.
How is it done?
One on One: We will meet with you privately to discuss the things you are struggling with, then set up a time for you to come back for the deliverance.
Corporately: Freedom Nights are where you can bring friends and family to be ministered to in this arena. This is open to everyone and is done in a corporate setting rather than a one-on-one setting. We are the body of Christ gathered together to see the captives set free.
We will start with worship and inviting the Holy Spirit, then move into a time of prayer and deliverance.
Still have questions?
Contact (photo) Rebecca Moran at allglorytoGod61@gmail.com or
you can fill out the form below and one of our trained staff will get back to you with answers to your questions.